Rabbittown Residential Neighborhood

Rabbittown Photos

Rabbittown History
Rabbittown Photos
R.E.A. Boundaries and Map

The Rabbittown Neighborhood came into existence in July of 1832 when John Pearson came to Danville from Fort Dearborn (Chicago), Illinois. Mr. Pearson bought a large tract of land from the federal government upon which he built his home. Today, that geographic area would be Main St. to the north, S. Jackson to the west, Buchanan St. to the east and the Vermilion River at the south.
Finding his new property abundant in wild rabbits, he nicknamed it Rabbittown, which has stuck to this day.
Please enjoy the slideshow of pictures of Rabbittown Past and Present!

Rabbittown Residents, Past and Present

Rabbittown Places, Past and Present
Schools, Churches, Businesses, Park, Clubs, Agencies

2009 R.E.A.